Taxes and Turmoil in Lebanese Politics

A series of protests have begun to rock Lebanon as of mid-March 2017. Protesters are taking to the streets to denounce the Lebanese government’s plan to introduce or increase 22 new taxes on citizens, most notably increasing the VAT tax from 10-11%, as well as various other taxes on food, drink, public notary services, and other categories that stand to impact daily purchases in the country. These measures will further reduce spending power of average Lebanese citizens during a time period when poverty has already risen by 66%(!) in the past 6 years, when around 30% of the population lives below the poverty line, when 9% of the Lebanese population lives on less than $1 per day, and when Syrian refugees continue to pour into Lebanon by the millions, further exacerbating Lebanese economic woes. Furthermore, Lebanon is the 3rd most unequal country on this planet in terms of wealth inequality, and this inequality implies that these new tax measures will primarily impact those who are already struggling to survive, let alone maintain a decent standard of living. In fact, these newly proposed taxes will be what economists call a “regressive tax,” since they will consume a bigger portion of the poor’s income compared to the rich.

The biggest complaint, rightfully so, of the protesters is that Lebanese politicians, with their entrenched system of confessionalism and nepotism, have stolen from public funds to aggrandize their own wealth, and have left the average Lebanese citizen struggling to survive off of the crumbs tossed to them. This rampant corruption, culture of excess, and paralysis of state oversight has contributed to a debt-to-GDP ratio of 140%, one of the highest in the world. Despite such mounting debt, the Lebanese government has little show for it in terms of providing services to the public.

For example, the Lebanese government cuts off electricity for several hours a day throughout the country— sometimes as much as 40-50% of the day, and claims that there are simply no public funds available to provide electricity for a full 24 hours. This is where the new tax proposal comes in; the government maintains that their hands are simply tied, and that these painful measures are needed to make a dent in paying off the public debt. However, when we examine the issue of public debt from the perspective of Modern Money Theory (MMT), we find that this idea is based on ignorance of how taxes and spending work at the public level.

MMT asserts that any sovereign government is capable of printing its own money into existence to pay for anything that it wishes to, from public healthcare to defense to infrastructure, or any other government-funded project. Because the government can create money out of nothing by simply printing it, or electronically transferring it to bank accounts, this by definition removes the necessity to collect taxes as a form of revenue to pay for things. The Lebanese government, for example, could have enough money to pay for electricity 24 hours a day if it simply created money to pay for it by electronically transferring the sum to the bank accounts to pay electricity companies. All of this can be done without ensuring that there is an equal amount of taxes flowing into the government, because the government does not use these taxes to pay for things. It pays for things by creating money out of nothing.

With this understanding, we can then reverse the causal relationship between taxes and public spending: taxes do not fund public spending. Rather, public spending creates the money by which citizens can conduct economic activity, including paying taxes. This is not an example of the classic “chicken vs. egg” conundrum. In this case, we can definitely say which side came first, for logical reasons. Citizens would simply not be able to pay taxes unless they had the money to pay for them in the first place, which in turn must be created by the government and released into the economy through public spending.

This implies that the government’s debt and deficit, as a matter of principle, does not matter to the public sector in the same way that a debt would matter to a household or firm. Government can always print more money in order to pay for things, including interest on debts. If a household tried to create its own play money and offer it to the credit card company at the end of the month, it would be rightfully ridiculed. However, because the government’s currency is universally recognized as bestowing the holder with value, it is accepted anywhere, and for “all debts, public and private.” In effect, it is the sovereignty of the state, and the credibility of their power to meet contractual financial obligations, that gives the money its value.

So, what then is the purpose of taxes, if they are not used to fund government spending? Primarily, taxes are a way of the government asserting sovereignty over its citizens. By denominating the taxes levied on citizens in the currency that they print, the government ensures that there will always be a widespread demand for its currency that people need to obtain to pay taxes. This ability to create money out of nothing and to generate widespread demand for it is a powerful component of state sovereignty, and, as other articles attest, the modern state as we know it would not even exist today without this power.

Taxes also serve another important economic function: they limit how much money a person can spend (purchasing power). When the government is worried about inflation (rising prices throughout society) brought about by rapid economic growth, for example, increasing taxes would be one way of decreasing spending in the entire economy, thus counteracting the threat of inflation. However, what does this mean for a country like Lebanon with a sizable percentage of its population living under the poverty line, and where the problem is too little spending and economic growth, not too much?     

If Lebanese citizens have to pay increasingly higher taxes on daily necessities,  their purchasing power will shrink. As their purchasing power and consumption declines, businesses will suffer. Investment and employment rates would likely decline, and poverty would increase. This increase in poverty would translate into citizens having even less money to contribute to taxes, since they would be consuming less and would have a smaller income. In such a situation, instead of these new tax measures decreasing the government debt, it is conceivable that they would actually do the exact opposite by increasing it, due to a decline in consumption and income, which are two of the biggest sources of taxes for the Lebanese government.  

To conclude, it is time to admit the problems facing Lebanon are much more complex and fundamental than any new tax proposals would ever fix. Taxes do not create revenue for government spending, and in fact, new taxes in the country would even threaten to propel the already unacceptably high poverty line in the country even higher, as incomes and purchasing power are eroded. There is no reason to believe that the government debt even needs to be paid off in the first place, since government can never run out of money to pay for things, including debt servicing payments. Rather, the most fundamental problem in Lebanon is a political system characterized by diversionary religious sectarianism, and a culture of corruption and disdain for the masses that have allowed the Lebanese politicians to usurp public funds for personal gain, all while keeping a stranglehold on the people’s aspirations for freedom and dignity for decades.

Written by Stephanie Attar
Stephanie is part of the third group of students studying at the Levy Institute. Prior to coming to the Levy, she completed a masters degree in political science, with a concentration in political philosophy. Her research always incorporates Marxian dialectical materialism in order to analyze the interconnected nature between the state and the economy. She is also interested in the Arab world, global inequalities engendered by capitalism-imperialism, and radical solutions to advance the interests of humanity.

Bloated Bodies & Starved Economies: Two harmful misconceptions

Over 35% of American adults are considered obese. These numbers are disproportionately higher in communities of color, whose access to healthy food is limited by time, money, and location. American Big Fast Food pushes “healthy” options which are laden with sugar, but advertised as “fat free”. The nutrition science community sold the idea that fat free meant free from creating fat, but the distinction is not quite true. Likewise, “low calorie” diets were sold on a similar idea that all calories are equal. The body in fact has different subsystems for digesting different types of calories. Carbohydrates go one place, proteins another, and fats themselves are digested separately. Carbohydrates are easily stored as glycogen and when present in the system the body prefers the quick use of them. When no carbohydrates are present, gluconeogenesis breaks down fats and proteins for use as energy. Looked at from this system perspective, the high carb low fat diet commonly advocated from the 1980s onward seems rather foolish if one wishes to burn fat stored on the body. In fact, the opposite should be advocated, a low-carbohydrate diet which starves the body of the fast glycogen deposits and forces it to switch into ketosis. The aphorism that “fat makes you fat” was wrongly sold to the public. While an understanding of the body system seems to clearly disprove the old ideas, the fact that the old paradigm pervaded common thought means communities continue to suffer from obesity without access to the new knowledge and healthy diets. 

fatisnotfatAmerica has another problem caused by a common misconception. There is a pervasive view that the government should not have a deficit, and should in fact run a surplus and pay down all of its debt. Of course, any good American pays down their debts. The banking system is gracious enough to give us loans to buy houses, cars, and get educations. We pay them back for the opportunity, never wanting to default on payments and enter bankruptcy. It makes sense that we think that our government, which so well represents us, should similarly pay back its debts. It is not quite that simple. Much like the fat in food being different from the fat in our bodies, the idea that government debt is the same as household debt is a harmful misconception. Like not all calories are the same, not all debts are the same. When the government runs a deficit, and spends more than it collects in taxes, it is engaging in an act of money creation. When it runs a surplus, and spends less than it collects in taxes, it is engaging in an act of money deletion. Like understanding the subsystems of the body helped us understand how different calories are used, understanding the economic subsystem of money helps us understand how different debts are used and created. 

The government determines what is used for money. Today, USD denominated deposits within the banking system are the main thing we use for money. They are widely accepted and we use them to pay taxes. Deposits enter into the system in two ways. The first is through the budget process which determines the amount of fiscal spending, most of it largely mandatory based on existing law. The budget has some discretionary spending which can be increased by Congress, which can go towards things like education, public jobs, and infrastructure. As the Treasury deficit spends deposits in bank accounts are created, and the Treasury issues a bond as the matching liability on its balance sheet (“the debt”). The other way deposits enter the system is through private banks making loans to households and firms. Banks can always extend loans if they think the venture will be profitable. They make the loan, which creates a deposit as a liability in another bank. After loans are created, the banking system needs to meet reserve requirements for the amount of deposits in the system. If they are not holding enough reserves they can sell assets to the Fed to get them. So banks make loans whenever they see profitable business ventures, and the government accommodates with enough reserves for them to do so. money creation3.jpg

After deposits are created, they circulate hopefully a few times within the banking system but ultimately are collected as taxes or used to pay down private debts. When taxes are collected the Treasury extinguishes some bonds as the debt is now paid. So running a surplus means the government is removing deposits from the system (“paying down the debt”). What happens if we rely on only the private sector to add deposits? Bill Clinton tried in the 1990s when he ran an unprecedented surplus for a couple years. It turns out however that Americans are stubborn and still wanted to buy houses, cars, and get educations. So as our real incomes fell rather than reduce our standards of living we graciously racked up debt with the banking sector. The banks saw us as profitable ventures and gave us loans as deposits, causing the central bank to create the reserves to accommodate this lending. This debt that households accumulated is fundamentally different than the debt pinned on the government as this process unfolds. This is because the government can never be forced to default. Looking at the net flows of financial balances yearly sheds some light into this process. Every year, the net amount spent by the government (red line) matches the net amount saved (or dissaved) by the rest of the world (blue is domestic, green is foreign). This exact mirroring is the result of accounting identities within the system. 


In the 1990s and 2000s you see the private sector as a whole taking on debt and dissaving for the first time in recent history, as the government ran a surplus and other countries bought up large amounts of US securities. Today many US households are still holding onto these debts. The misconception that government debt is the same as these private debts has starved our economy. Much like the mistake of the nutritional science community in prescribing low fat diets to reduce fat, it has been the mistake of the economic science community to prescribe low government debts in order to fix our household debts. debtisnotdebt3In order for households to get enough deposits so they can pay back their debts, the government should run deficits that end up in their hands. The reliance on the private sector has taken priority over the public good, and most of the deposits have landed in the hands of the top 1%. They were supposed to “trickle-down” the wealth to the rest of us, but after forty years of trying this has not happened. The private sector only employs as many people as it finds profitable to do so, and if they can deploy their capital in financial casinos to make more profit than employing people to build stuff that enhances society, they will do just that. So how can we get money into the hands of the financially responsible Americans who just want to work and pay back their debts? A answer to this problem is to rely on direct government job creation, much like the New Deal after the Great Depression. This spending will cause the government to accumulate more debt in the short term, but if spent on education, infrastructure, public jobs, worker co-ops, and raising the minimum wage then these new deposits would funnel into the bottom of the income distribution, and American households could pay down their own debts. Maybe then we’ll realize: government debt, like a nice fatty avocado, is good for us.

Written by Bradley Voracek